Onjuiste beweringen Holocaustonderzoek door Claims Conference

Een op de vier Nederlandse jongeren ontkent de Holocaust, beweert de Amerikaanse organisatie Claims Conference die geld wil beuren voor Holocaustslachtoffers.

Gelezen: Maarten Keulemans in Volkskrant

Dit was het bericht van Claims Conference

“The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) today released a Netherlands Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness Survey, including a breakdown of Millennial and Gen Z respondents, exposing a disturbing lack of awareness of key historical facts about the Holocaust and the Netherlands’ own connection to Holocaust history.

The number of Dutch adults who believe the Holocaust is a myth was higher than any country previously surveyed; 12% of all respondents believe the Holocaust is a myth or the number of Jews killed has been greatly exaggerated, while 9% are unsure. These numbers are higher among Dutch Millennials and Gen Z, where nearly one-quarter (23%) believe the Holocaust is a myth or the number of Jews killed has been greatly exaggerated, while 12% are unsure.

Misperceptions About Holocaust Death Toll
More than half of all respondents (54% of all respondents and 59% of Millennial and Gen Z) do not know that six million Jews were murdered, and 29% believe that two million or fewer Jews were killed during the Holocaust. Alarmingly, this number grew to 37% of Millennials and Gen Z who believe that two million or fewer Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

Neo-Nazism and Antisemitism
22% of Millennials and Gen Z feel it is acceptable for an individual to support neo-Nazi views and 13% are unsure. 12% of all Dutch respondents feel it is acceptable and 11% are unsure.

National Responsibility and Acknowledgement
When asked whether they support or oppose recent efforts by Dutch public figures to acknowledge and apologize for the Netherlands’ failure to protect Jews during the Holocaust, only 44% of Dutch Millennials and Gen Z support and half (50%) of all Dutch respondents support…

Anne Frank

One of the most iconic names associated with the Holocaust, Anne Frank, lived in hiding in Amsterdam during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. While most Dutch respondents (89%) were familiar with Anne Frank, 32% of Millennials and 27% of all adults surveyed do not know Anne Frank died in a concentration camp. All of this indicates a need for better context within the current curriculum and a more robust Holocaust education program overall.

Keulemans en hoogleraar statistiek Casper Albers (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) maken duidelijk dat het onderzoek niet deugt. Het beoogt effecten als schuldgevoel en het voorzien in excuses en geld.

Dat effect werd deels bereikt. “‘Zeer schokkend en zeer zorgwekkend dat in een land als Nederland een kwart van de jongeren zegt: ik weet niet of het zo is”, zei minister Dilan Yesilgöz van Justitie. En premier Mark Rutte: “Je mag over alles debatteren, maar de feiten liggen vast.”

Het is treurig dat de club zich er niet van bewust is dat dit soort grappen juist antisemitisme in de hand werkt.

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